Nondetects And Data Analysis

Statistics for censored environmental data
Online at:

Files to download:

Color course brochure and outline for the NADA course

A “users guide" to the NADA for R software package

1) uscore.R function for indicator format censored data
2) Usc.R function for interval-format censored data (allows nonzero lower end)
These scripts are not in the NADA for R package. They are 2 of over 35 scripts for censored data from our
online NADA course.

NADA macros v5.1 for Minitab .zip

NADA macros v5.1 (for Minitab version 18) — August 2019

NADA macros v4.4 for Minitab .zip

NADA macros v4.4 (for Minitab version 17)

NADA macros v3.2 for Minitab .zip

NADA macros v3.2 (for Minitab versions 14-16)

Excel worksheet to compute the Kaplan-Meier estimate of mean and UCL95 for data with nondetects

DDT in fish data from Chapter 13 of the 2nd edition of the textbook (Statistics for Censored Environmental Data Using Minitab and R)

Data sets from the 1st edition (2005) Nondetects And Data Analysis textbook. Most are also used in the 2nd (2012) edition. These are also available from withn the NADA package for R.

Answers to Exercises and Errata Sheet for the 1st (2005) edition of the NADA textbook