Practical Videos

Videos on our site introduce a number of practical and currently vital topics. They point to what's new in statistics that typically has not made its way into courses taken by scientists now employed in science agencies and firms. Lengths are 15-20 minutes on this page. No statistical background needed. The other two pages listed below have 30 - 60 minute videos with more technical content.

Videos on methods for data with nondetects (censored data)

Videos on applied environmental statistics methods
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Short videos (15-20 minutes) on practical topics in environmental statistics:

What's New in Statistics 1:
Permutation Tests

pdf of Powerpoint slides

What To Do With Outliers
pdf of Powerpoint slides

Why Not Just Substitutue
DL/2 For Nondetects?

pdf of Powerpoint slides

How Many Observations Are Censored Data Worth?
pdf of Powerpoint slides