A Sampling of Papers that Have Used NADA / NADA2 Procedures in Their Analysis

Human Health
S. L. Andersen, et al., 2022. Cut-offs for thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies in early pregnancy. European Thyroid Journal
M. Dodd, et al., 2023. Human health risk associated with metal exposure at Agbogbloshie e‐waste site and the surrounding neighbourhood in Accra, Ghana. Environ Geochem Health
J. H. Hoover, et al., 2023. Preterm Birth and Metal Mixture Exposure among Pregnant Women from the Navajo Birth Cohort Study. Environmental Health Perspectives
M. Lee, et al., 2024. Accommodating detection limits of multiple exposures in environmental mixture analyses: an overview of statistical approaches. Environmental Health
J. S. Mouat, et al., 2023. Networks of placental DNA methylation correlate with maternal serum PCB concentrations and child neurodevelopment. Environmental Research
M. Marhuenda-Muñoz, et al., 2021. High Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Moderate Fat Intake Are Associated with Higher Carotenoid Concentration in Human Plasma. Antioxidants
A. Svard, et al., 2024. Presence and Immunoreactivity of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Pathogens
Surface Water Chemistry
S. Kittlaus, et al., 2024. A harmonized Danube basin-wide multi-compartment concentration database to support inventories of micropollutant emissions to surface waters. Environmental Sciences Europe
B. Lalonde and C. Garron, 2022. Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in the Canadian Freshwater Environment. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
C. Sang, et al., 2021. Gross alpha and beta measurements in drinkable water from seven major geographical regions of China and the associated cancer risks. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
D. Wang, et al., 2016. A statistical assessment of pesticide pollution in surface waters using environmental monitoring data: Chlorpyrifos in Central Valley, California. Science of the Total Environment
Groundwater Chemistry
M. Arienzo et al., 2022. Naturally occurring metals in unregulated domestic wells in Nevada, USA. Science of the Total Environment
W. Berendrecht, et al., 2023. Combining statistical methods for detecting potential outliers in groundwater quality time series. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment
E. McGrory, et al., 2021. Occurrence, Geochemistry and Speciation of Elevated Arsenic Concentrations in a Fractured Bedrock Aquifer System. Archives of Environmental Monitoring & Assessment
C.C. Munoz and P. Vermeiren, 2023. Sea turtle egg yolk and albumen as biomonitoring matrices for maternal burdens of organic pollutants. Marine Pollution Bulletin
C. D. Smith, et al., 2023. Organohalogenated contaminants in multiple life stages of the Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus), Oregon, USA. Environmental Pollution
S. I. Villagómez‐Vélez, et al., 2024. Persistent Organic Pollutants in Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) Skin Biopsies from Bahía de Los Ángeles, Mexico. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
M.R. Wells, et al., 2023. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in little penguins and associations with urbanisation and health parameters. Science of the Total Environment
Sediment Chemistry
A. T. Hassan, et al., 2019. Assessment of the organotin pollution in the coastal sediments of the Western Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia. Marine Pollution Bulletin
M. Marvin-DiPasquale et al., 2009. Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 2. Benthic Methylmercury Production and Bed Sediment-Pore Water Partitioning. Environ. Sci. Technol.
M.S. Tomlinson and E.H. De Carlo, 2016. Occurrence and possible sources of arsenic in seafloor sediments surrounding sea-disposed munitions and chemical agents near Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi. Deep-Sea Research II
Air Quality
K.F. Chin, et al., 2020. Statistical analysis of trace contaminants measured in biogas. Science of the Total Environment
M. M. Maestas, et al., 2024. Trends in air toxics cancer risk in Southern California, 1998-2018. Environ. Res.: Health
Ag and Urban Wastewater
S. B. Gewurtz, et al., 2024. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Canadian municipal wastewater and biosolids: Recent patterns and time trends 2009 to 2021. Science of the Total Environment
E. M. Grantz, et al., 2019. Residual herbicide concentrations in on-farm water storage–tailwater recovery systems: Preliminary assessment. Agricultural & Environmental Letters
N. Krlovic, et al., 2024. A source-based framework to estimate the annual load of PFAS in municipal wastewater. Science of the Total Environment
F. D. Spilsbury, et al., 2023. Ecotoxicological mixture risk assessment of 35 pharmaceuticals in wastewater effluents following post-treatment with ozone and/or granulated activated carbon. Science of the Total Environment
Guidance Documents
A. Bolks, et al., 2014. Baseline Assessment of Left-Censored Environmental Data Using R. USEPA Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program TechNotes #10
EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR), 2023. Statement of the Scientific Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR Panel) on the design and conduct of groundwater monitoring studies supporting groundwater exposure assessments of pesticides. EFSA Journal
M.L. Hladik, et al., 2024. Evaluating the reliability of environmental concentration data to characterize exposure in environmental risk assessments. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management
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